As week 8 approaches we are reminded of how busy we all are. Trying to finalise tests, homework, unfinished work and all the other things that come with nearing the end of term.

Grade 2 have completed tests in Maths and English with a few more to go. Some very good results were achieved, let’s hope this continues with tests that await!

Gymnastics is drawing to a close. One week to go and one last opportunity to bounce, roll, twist, balance and climb under the expert guidance from the instructors at Jet Gymnastics. Grades 2 and 1 have combined to successfully complete sessions involving teamwork and skill development.

Science week saw many students participating in the dress up theme ‘Mad Scientist’. Grade 2’s showed their creative ability with some very weird scientists making an appearance. The same creativity was applied to the theme ‘Pirates’ for book week. Congratulations Grade 2 your pirate costumes and participation in this activity was commendable. Well done to the parents also for their work in outfitting some very impressive looking pirates.

Spelling tests have been a weekly task and we still have a few more to go. A reminder to students and parents that success in this area only comes from good preparation. It is easy to become complacent when something performed weekly becomes routine. Please devote time at home in preparing for the few remaining tests and hopefully the results will reflect the effort.

Good luck to everyone for the rest of the term. Make the most of the short time that we have to complete work and achieve those good results that we all want.

Thank You,
Mr. Trevor Anselmi
Year 2 Teacher